
BEACH BADGE is your entrée to the salt-covered, sand-clogged magic, mayhem, and mystery of the New Jersey Shore, as told by those who have lived it. From blistering August sands to the unshakably damp gauze of a winter sky, BEACH BADGE collects the experience of local and benny alike in the form of personal stories, essays, and other artwork about or inspired by life at the shore.

If you want to receive emails about calls for submissions, please sign up here.

BEACH BADGEbeachbadgemockup3 has better things to do between midnight and 6:00 a.m. than sleep on sand.

BEACH BADGE stays between the flags, but also swims after Labor Day.

BEACH BADGE feeds the wildlife.

BEACH BADGE is always in-season.

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Eight-Stone Press, publisher of the award-winning SMILE, HON, YOU’RE IN BALTIMORE! series, is seeking submissions for the next issue of BEACH BADGE, a zine devoted to stories centered on or inspired by the New Jersey Shore. Locals and bennies alike are invited to submit their creative nonfiction of 250 – 2,000 words, including personal writing, and essays, as well as photography and other shore-related artwork. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Personal anecdotes (humorous and/or harrowing)
  • Childhood memories
  • Things that aren’t there anymore
  • Nights (or days) you would prefer to forget
  • Area history
  • Gentrification
  • The environment

All contributors whose work has been accepted for publication will receive byline/artist credit as well as two copies of the issue in which their work appears. To submit work, or for more information, email